children building with LEGO

Alluring LEGO!

The green lego baseplate is always greener in someone else’s kit, it seems. Bell Library was overrun this week by young makers and engineers, keen to try out some new and different bricks. They built submarines and houses, cities and movie sets.
Across the Western Downs during this month’s school holidays, our library staff have loved seeing children working collaboratively, solving problems and being creative together.

Did you miss out on the building fun? Don’t worry, the LEGO kits will be back! Keep an eye out for LEGO kits next school holidays. You could help build a table-sized project, like a roller coaster or a castle.

Looking for LEGO-spiration? You’ve probably got loads of LEGO already at home, just waiting for some new building challenges. Check out our range of LEGO themed books and DVDs.

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