
Are you cleaning your house for the holidays?

It feels great to have a clean, organized, well-functioning home when you’ve got guests coming. Especially around the holidays. It’s like your gift to you.


Spark Joy

Western Downs Libraries have all the books to help you have a clean, uncluttered house for the holidays.  For instance, if you love the Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo you may like to read Spark Joy: an illustrated guide to the Japanese art of tidying by Marie Kondo. Maybe, you prefer to listen to your books (while you clean) why not listen to The Life-Changing magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese art of decluttering and organising by Marie Kondo. These books tell the reader how to declutter each room of their house, from bedrooms and kitchens to bathrooms and living rooms as well as a wide range of items in different categories, including clothes, photographs, paperwork, books, cutlery, cosmetics, and shoes.

Thumbnail for Spark joy : an illustrated guide to the Japanese art of tidying Thumbnail for The life-changing magic of tidying up [sound recording] : the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing

Aussie Mums who clean

However, if you love hacks and quick ways to tidy, why not borrow Mums who clean: all the best advice, hacks and products for quick and easy cleaning by Rachael Hallett.  This book is new to our collection and taps into the wisdom and experience of over 140 000 Australian mums. Room by room, Mums Who Clean takes you through the very best ways to clean your house. 

Thumbnail for Mums who clean : all the best advice, hacks and products for quick and easy cleaning

Green Clean

Alternatively, you may love cleaning with natural products and we have just the book – Green clean: natural cleaning solutions for every room of your home by Jill Potvin Schoff. The author presents natural, nontoxic alternatives to chemical-based cleaning products for the home. Each chapter covers a different area of the home, including bathroom, kitchen, outdoor areas, garages and basements, windows and window treatments, and flooring, as well as a section on cleaning your car naturally.  Another book you may like is The Natural clean home: 150 super-easy herbal formulas for green cleaning by Karyn Siegel-Maier.

Thumbnail for Green clean : natural cleaning solutions for every room of your home Thumbnail for The naturally clean home : 150 super-easy herbal formulas for green cleaning

Also, remember you can have a clean home without going overboard. Enjoy the holidays (it only comes once a year) Ho, Ho, Ho.


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